Sunday 21 July 2024


 I was up at 5.45 because it was too hot to sleep. I had my eggs for breakfast with a cup of tea. Then I washed and dressed and did all the ironing. I emptied the dishwasher and put everything away and cleaned the sink. I took my nail polish off and did them again. My daughter was coming round to pick me up at 1 o’clock and take me out for afternoon tea. We were going with her 2 daughter’s. When she got here every one was in the car already. We drove to Hayden and went straight to the cafe. They asked us if we wanted tea or coffee and what flavour scones we wanted there were about 6 to choose from. It was a lovely tea with unlimited tea and coffee. We all enjoyed it and all came out stuffed. We then went into the church and had a look round and then the churchyard, and then we went for a walk through the park, took some photos and then home. While I was doing that H went out on his electric bike. He had a nice ride.

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