Monday 8 July 2024


 I haven’t been out on my bike for a week! But as it was a nice day son and I decided to go for a bike ride. H was going to spend the morning with his Spanish teacher. We did 19 miles on a really hilly route so I spent most of it out of breath. We went to Reepham bread sauce. We came home along the track till where we have to go across the field to get to the shooting school. H was home before us and had got the BBQ out ready for tonight. I had a bath and made a salad to go with our steaks and sausages, we also had squeaky cheese. Fresh fruit and cream for dessert. Yesterday son and I went to Heydon for a coffee and cake after which we went for a walk in the park. There were some black clouds about and we had walked about a mile and son said, looking at the sky I think we should turn back. It’s a good job we did because we got nearly back to the car when the skies opened and it poured. 

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