Sunday 14 July 2024


 Today we decided to go out on our bikes. H got the bikes out as soon as we finished breakfast. We got ready and I hung the washing out before we went. We did 18 and a bit miles. I fell off twice , I fell off once last Monday so that’s my 3 times over with, I should be alright now. I don’t think I will get much sleep tonight because I am bruised from head to foot and I can only lay on my back, and even that hurts. H fell off as well . My first fall was into a bush that had been cut down I was trapped under my bike and the bush was full of brambles so I was stuck I called H and he stopped so suddenly he fell of but I didn’t know this because I couldn’t see him. He was alright and came and got me out of the brambles. The second time I fell off hurt a lot more because we were on tarmac. My back wheel skidded in some mud. I landed on my elbow and knee.

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