Wednesday, 10 June 2015


Hot again today! Normally when we go on holiday we are nice and brown already, me from working in the fields in my shorts and bra and H from laying in the garden, but this year it's been so cold I haven't worked without my poloneck jumper and H hasn't sat out. So he is rather pink and I spend most of the day slathering on sunblock. We didn't bike so far today as we are a bit stiff from our mountain ride yesterday, so we just rode 18 miles. I went for a dip in the Med and it was lovely but the sand burnt my feet on the way back up the beach, it was red hot. We hope to explore a bit further tomorrow.
We walked round a park this afternoon and as we approached a group of palm trees there was such a commotion so we went to take a closer look only to find a baby green parrot on the ground which we think must have fallen out of the nest. The parents were so worried so we made a quick exit.

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