Thursday 4 June 2015

Last day at work

No more work for me for 3 weeks! Yippie. Today I had to pick 100 bunches of radishes and then go weeding again, I put a minimum of 21 radishes in each bunch so I pulled a lot of them. I had to break from weeding to pick 10 boxes of rhubarb and at 2 pm I had to walk down to the greenhouse to take the sideshoots out of the tomatoes and winde them up their strings. I just managed to get it done before 4  ( my home time ). It was dreadfully hot in there and I had to stand outside a couple of times to cool down. H went out on his bike, he rode 35/12 miles at 20 miles per hour so I don't think there is much wrong with him. We had pizza, mushrooms and a side salad for dinner tonight. 
No2 son is home tomorrow so we will see him for a short while before we go but he will be here for a couple of days when we get back so that will be nice.

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