Thursday 22 August 2024


 I got up at 6.10 pulled up my blind and it was raining and blowing a gale. I was very disappointed because I was supposed to be going to Yarmouth for the day with my daughter and son in law and the great grand children. Well after breakfast the rain stopped and it brightened up. We went and as we got out of the car on the car park, the sun came out. We had a lovely day taking the children on the snails and other rides. Donkey rides on the beach and paddling in the sea. The wind was too strong to sit on the beach it was blowing the sand along the shore and it was quite painful. We had sausage and chips for lunch on the market. A good time was had by all. When I got home I cooked dinner which was pasta and meat balls followed by fresh fruit. I walked over 3 miles.

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