Friday 20 September 2024


 Today we were going out on our bikes 🚲 with our daughter so we did the shopping yesterday. We did almost 20 miles, we went to Reepham station where we had a coffee and came back along the track and the shooting school. For dinner tonight we had lasagna with peas and spinach. I have to say my legs ache. 

Wednesday 18 September 2024


 Last night I had a good sleep. Yesterday I gardened and made stew for dinner with dumplings. Today I did more gardening because my garden bin goes out this week and I haven’t filled it up yet. We had left over stew for dinner and a bread roll. Tomorrow we are going shopping instead of Friday because Friday we are going out on our bikes 🚲 with our daughter. She rang us today and told us that her son is in London with his work ( from Denmark)  I don’t think she is seeing him though.

Monday 16 September 2024


 I got up at 6 and put on a load of washing, when it was done I hung it out. I had fried courgette with my 2 eggs this morning. We went out on our bikes 🚲 again today. I don’t normally do two days riding in a row, so now I have got a sore BTM . I shall have a day off tomorrow and do housework. Our son left after dinner because he’s got to work tomorrow. For dinner tonight we had salmon with broccoli, green beans and mushrooms, dessert was raspberries and blueberries with cream. 

Sunday 15 September 2024


 I have had a pretty good week. I went to the City on Wednesday and my sister in law and I were ladies who lunch. Thursday H and I went to Pensthorpe and did a walk round the lakes. We got a free coffee because their wi fi wasn’t working so we couldn’t pay. Yesterday I went for a walk and today we went for a bike ride. We did 18 and a bit miles. It’s the hilliest ride we do but we enjoyed it. We went to Bread sauce for coffee and cake and sat outside in the sun. For dinner tonight we had beef with potatoes carrots broccoli and broad beans.. For dessert we had strawberries and raspberries and cream. I feel stuffed. 

Monday 9 September 2024


 I got up at 6.30 and had my breakfast 🍳. I did a load of washing but it was raining so I didn’t hang it out. It’s a pity it was raining because we were going to Pensthorpe for a walk. I love it there but it wouldn’t be much fun in the wet. So when the rain stopped I went for a walk on my own. When I got home from my walk I got us lunch. We had bacon rolls and a cup of bovril. This afternoon we watched a Grace and for dinner we had pork steaks with jacket potatoes and baked beans. 

Sunday 8 September 2024


 I got up and had breakfast 🍳 eggs and as I broke them into the pan both the yolks broke, I did not enjoy them. To make matters worse my stomach still isn’t right. I dare not go out on my bike so I had a ride upstairs next door to the toilet. I feel alright now but I did at this time last night. This afternoon I did some pruning in the garden and some hoeing. When I came in I made a dozen bread rolls. For dinner tonight I made a liver and onion casserole. With it we had potatoes, mushrooms and green beans. 

Friday 6 September 2024

Still Friday

 I am feeling better I think. Our daughter came round anyway and on her way home she was going to bike and see her husband who was working in Horsford . So H got my bike out of the garage and I went with her it was only a short ride, just over 5 miles. I felt better after the after the fresh air. For dinner tonight we had steak and kidney pie with new potatoes French beans and carrots. Last night we had chicken thighs, cabbage, potatoes and carrots. 

Thursday 5 September 2024


 I have been looking forward to today all week because we were going out on our bikes with our daughter. We haven’t done that for ages. Well I have been up all night with the runs! Typical! It’s now 7 a m and I am still not right so I had to ring and cancel. It’s 2 years ago since I had my stroke (4th September ) so I should think myself lucky that I can still ride my bike at all. I feel as if I have let everyone down. I didn’t do anything yesterday because we were doing this ride and I wanted to be able to keep up with the others. I feel as if I wasted a whole day, and the way I feel now, after getting no sleep is that I am going to waste another one. H has just brought me in a cup of tea. I daren’t eat breakfast. 

Tuesday 3 September 2024

Tuesday 3 rd of September

 Yesterday we went for a bike ride (20 miles) . Today it was pouring with rain when I got up. When we went to Lidl it had stopped. At 12.30 I decided to go for a walk but by the time I got my shoes on it had started raining again, so I sat down with H to watch the Tour of Spain bike race. When they had 87 kilometres to go the rain stopped here so I went for a walk knowing that I would be back for the end of the race. I walked just over 2 miles. For dinner tonight we have got meatballs and pasta in a tomato and pepper sauce. The pepper  I have just picked and chopped up.