Thursday 30 May 2024


 I got up at 6.45 and put on a load of washing, then I had 2 fried eggs for breakfast. Our daughter was coming round this morning to take me out, so I did a bit of housework before getting ready. We went to Taverham mill (which is a river walk) . Our greatgrand children had been before and told us what we would see. They are so funny, and don’t stop talking. They both had their binoculars round their necks but refused to wear their wellies. It was really muddy with puddles along the way so they got pretty messy. We had rain and sunshine on our way round but we were under the trees when it rained, so we were sheltered had when sun was out we were in the open. Anyway we all had a good time ending up at the cafe. For dinner tonight we had spaghetti in tomato sauce with turkey meat balls. I made the meat balls last week and froze them.

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