Monday 27 May 2024


 Today has been a nightmare day , we were going out on our bikes, H got the bikes out and I put my circle gear on. H then said he didn’t want to go on the road because it was too windy. It was blowing a gale, we didn’t want to go along the track because we had a huge thunderstorm yesterday after it had been raining all day. So we decided to turbo in stead . So while H was setting it up for me, I changed into  my shorts and got all ready , but H couldn’t load it up because we had no internet. So I changed yet again and gardened. I wed the strawberries and did some more of the patio. We have got the internet back now.  I got a phone call today from spec savers reminding me I have got an appointment tomorrow, I am glad they rang because I had completely forgotten. Yesterday for dinner we had a roast chicken so today we had chicken with a jacket potato tomatoes and beetroot. 

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