Tuesday 28 May 2024


 I didn’t get a good nights sleep because my back is bad again . After breakfast I got ready to go to the City to have my eyes tested. They were really through and I was in there for an hour. I have to have new reading glasses but otherwise every thing is fine. It was a lovely sunny day when I left home so I went out in a t shirt and no coat 🧥 or cardigan. When I came out of the options it was pouring with rain. Luckily my bus came straight away , it was still pouring when I got off. I was wet through by the time I got home. I went upstairs and changed and H made me a hot drink and when I had drunk it we went to Lidl. For dinner tonight we had rice and beef,  for dessert 🍨 we had mango mousse and blueberries.

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