Sunday 23 June 2024

Sunday (a lovely sunny day)

 I did a load of washing and hung it out. We had our breakfast and sat in the garden in the sun. We are both stiff from yesterday’s ride. I made a loaf or bread 🍞 it turned out well, I haven’t made one for ages. I watered the tomatoes and at 10 o’clock H made us a coffee. We both sat in the sun all morning. I went in at midday and got us chocolate milk shakes. We had a nice bike ride yesterday, we cycled to Coltishall . We had fish and chips sitting by the river it was nice. We didn’t want any more to eat for the rest of the day, so today we had to have what we were supposed to have yesterday. It was a cheese and onion quiche which felt like a strange dinner for a Sunday. We had it with salad, for dessert we had strawberries 🍓 that I picked from the garden, they were delicious.

Wednesday 19 June 2024


 I put on a load of washing as soon as I got up and hung it out as soon as it was done. While I was doing that H got our bikes out ready for us to go out for a ride. We had eggs and for breakfast H had his on toast. It was sunshine and clouds all day till 5 o’clock when the clouds disappeared and it was wall to wall sunshine. When we went out on our bikes the wind was strong. For dinner tonight we had haddock mornay with a jacket potato and broad beans and cabbage. Dessert was a tin of peaches and sticky milk. I feel really stuffed. 

Tuesday 18 June 2024


 I got up early and put on a load of washing. I had eggs and sweet pepper for my breakfast with a cup of tea. Yesterday we went for a cycle ride it was lovely and sunny ☀️ all the way round. This morning I went to the hairdressers and then to Lidl. On the way to Lidl we called in at the garden centre where I bought some net to cover my strawberries some canes to hold my gladiolus up and some wasp killer.  This afternoon I went to the dentist. For dinner tonight we had chicken stir fry and for dessert we had rhubarb from the garden with condensed milk. Tomorrow we are going out on our bikes. 

Sunday 9 June 2024


 I got up at 6.10 and had eggs for breakfast with a cup of tea. H got our bikes out so I ate a banana to get me round. We got ready and left home at 9 o’clock, we went along the cycle track because it was too windy to be on the road. We had a nice ride, the track is in lovely condition. It’s a pity that it’s going to rain tonight and tomorrow morning because it will mess it all up again. We did 18.17 miles. My back was pretty good while I was riding. For lunch we had sardines, and for dinner we had pasta and meat balls. 

Thursday 6 June 2024


 I got up at 7 o’clock after a good nights sleep. I got out of bed only to find my back has gone again. It’s had been better since the weekend. Yesterday we had several showers with one of them having hail in it. Today we only had one shower. I decided to turbo , I did 16 miles an an hour but then carried on for another half hour so altogether I rode for an hour and a half and did 23 miles. For dinner tonight we had pulled pork and tomatoes in a naan bread ( garlic and coriander flavour)   I went our into the garden this afternoon and did a bit of weeding but H came out and told me he had found a film I might like so I had to go back in again.