Wednesday, 18 May 2022


Another lovely day. I got up at 5.30 and put on a load of washing.I made a pot of tea and had eggs for breakfast. H got up at 6.20 and ate his prunes, yogurt and toast. I hung the washing out and did a bit of clearing up. Next I planted my tomatoes in the garden and H dug up an old fern for me. At 9 we got ready to go out on our bukes. H used his best racing bike ( no motor ). We had a really good ride and it was our fastest one this year. 26 miles, av 14.1 mph. When we got home I made us a coffee and read a chapter of my book before we got ready to go to Lidl. When we got home H sat in the garden while I got lunch, fresh rolls. H had butter and cheese and washed his down with a bottle of beer. I had cucumber in mine and washed it down with water.Next I went upstairs and put my shorts so I could sit in the garden. I wasnt out there long because it was too hot! We went in and watched the end of the tour of Italy, then tipping point. I had a bath and H got dinner, chilli con carni. So tasty. I think we are staying at home tomorrow.

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