Monday 27 July 2020


I got up at 5.30, stripped my bed and put everything in the washing machine. I had egg and courgette for breakfast with a mug of tea. I packed a salad sandwich for lunch with a bottle of water and sorted out my work bag. I relaxed with my book till it was time to put my shoes on and went to work. T had to pick 41 bunches of radishes and 17 bunches of beetroot. Next I had to walk to a new bed of carrots and we had to have 38 bunches of them. It was a bit of a search because they aren't really ready. I only did 12 bunches and it was time for coffee break. As it was raining I was allowed to sit in the shed with the men! They had to go and finish the carrots because I had to pick the tomatoes. Loads had ripened over the weekend and I got around 8 boxes. It took till 12.30 so I stayed in the greenhouse and did a bit of weeding round the tomato plants. When I got home H made me a coffee and I had one of my raspberry buns with it. After the rain had stopped he had hung the washing out for me so I got it in and it’s all nice and dry. We watched tipping point, had our baths and I cooked dinner. We had burgers, sausages, eggs,mushrooms and chips. I have to work again tomorrow.

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